“ | They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. |
„ |
~ The Emperor of Mankind |
The Adeptus Astartes, better known as Space Marines, are foremost amongst the defenders of humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. They are barely human at all, but instead superhuman; having been made superior in all respects to a normal man by a harsh regime of genetic modification, psycho-conditioning and rigorous training. Space Marines are untouched by plague or any natural disease and can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Clad in ancient Power Armor and wielding the most potent weapons known to Man, the Space Marines are terrifying foes and their devotion to the Emperor and the Imperium of Man is unyielding. They are the God-Emperor's Angels of Death, and they know no fear.
The Astartes are physically stronger, far more resilient and often mentally far removed from the lot of most normal human beings. Space Marines physically cannot feel fear, due to physiological and physical conditioning. In the presence of the Astartes, most people feel a combination of awe and fear, and many cultures on the more primitive worlds simply worship them outright as demigods or angels of the God-Emperor made flesh. They should feel so, for many Space Marines feel little compassion for those they have sometimes termed "mortals" in comparison to themselves, seeing the very people they were created to protect as little more than obstacles to a more efficient eradication of the Imperium's enemies. This is an attitude sometimes taken by whole Chapters. They see normal humans as frail, weak creatures given to the follies of temptation, avarice, greed, lust and cowardice—all emotions they rarely feel, if ever. Yet there are some Astartes who remember why they were created by the Emperor, who avoid the trap of hubris which the Space Marines are so prone to and which has seduced so many of their number to serve the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. They are the final guardians of Mankind, the saviours and last resort. They were intended not to lead humanity, but to defend it, sometimes even from itself. At the heart of that mission lies the limitless compassion the Emperor extended to every man and woman in the galaxy when he willingly chose to condemn himself to more than 10,000 years of imprisonment within a dying prison of flesh for their sake. Some Astartes sneer at compassion, seeing it as one more human weakness that has been purged from their superior bodies and minds. But the wisest of the Space Marines know that in the end compassion is their only salvation, as it is for all men. In that, they have proven themselves to be fully human.
Potential Space Marines are usually, but not always, recruited from the worlds where a Chapter has established its Fortress-Monastery, although some Chapters are known to recruit from a collection of different worlds in an area of space that they protect or frequent. Recruiting methods vary from Chapter to Chapter. Some select their Neophytes from feral tribes roaming the surface of inhospitable worlds, while others draw upon eager volunteers who have been groomed from birth to become an Astartes. Still, others watch and kidnap potential warriors, turning them into Astartes whether they will it or not. Whatever the method, all Space Marine Chapters will only accept those who successfully pass the grueling initiation trials and prove themselves worthy of becoming a Space Marine.
However a man becomes a Space Marine does not matter: once his body has been forged into that of a transhuman Astartes, he must forever stand apart from the people to whom he was once kin and who he is now sworn to protect. Once a man becomes a Space Marine, he is no longer mortal; his genetic heritage is now that of the Emperor Himself, and a spark of the same divine majesty flows in his veins.
There are approximately 1,000 Space Marine Chapters active in the Imperium of Man at any one time. A list to most of them can be found here. This number has stayed relatively constant since the Second Founding in the 31st Millennium following the Horus Heresy when the First Founding Space Marine Legions were broken up. However, this number remains far from exact and may fluctuate widely depending on the time period and the circumstances confronting the Imperium.
As of the resurrection of Roboute Guilliman, and the coming of the Indomitus Crusade, the original Space Marines have been designated as the Firstborn, encompassing all Astarters created prior to the unveiling of the Primaris.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 8-C physically, Varies from 8-C to 8-B with weaponry | At least 8-C physically, Varies from 8-C to High 8-C with weaponry | At least 8-C physically, Varies from 8-C to High 8-C with weaponry | At least High 8-C physically, Varies from 8-C to 8-B with weaponry
Key: Power Armor | Terminator Armor | Centurion Armor | Dreadnought
Name: Space Marine (Adeptus Astartes), Angel of Death (common nickname), the Firstborn (In light of their new brethren)
Origin: Warhammer 40,000
Gender: All male (The process of transformation from human to Space Marine does not work on women, as it is coded from the Emperor's genes)
Age: At least several decades (Neophytes frequently are picked from prepubescent children and spend many years training and being implanted with the gene-seed before full Space Marine status) for the youngest, hundreds to thousands of years for veterans. Space Marines are functionally immortal, with some, such as Commander Dante of the Blood Angels, being alive for thousands of years. It is unknown if they can die of old age, as none have been recorded to have lived long enough.
Classification: Genetically-grafted posthumans, warrior monks, elite super soldiers of the Imperium of Man
Powers and Abilities:
Space Marine Physiology, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Forcefield Creation, Weapon Mastery (Even the weakest and most inexperienced Tactical Marine has been honed for years in a brutal training regime to be able to use a vast multitude of different weapons), Energy Projection (Via various weapons), Martial Arts (Trained in a vast majority of ways of hand-to-hand combat, and presumably vastly more masterful over them than any regular human), Heat Manipulation (Via various weapons, such as Meltas and Volkite), Fire Manipulation (Via Flamers), Light Manipulation (Via Laser weapons), Matter Manipulation (Power weapons generate a field of energy around themselves that splits the bonds between matter, making it easier to break through targets. Conversion Beamers create subatomic implosions in their targets), Limited Flight (Via Jump Packs), Plasma Manipulation (Via various Plasma weapons), Durability Negation (Volkite weapons can cause targets to combust inside their armor. Power weapons weaken the bonds of matter, making it easier to punch through armor. Conversion Beamers can atomize targets. Grav-weapons utilize the targets own weight to crush whatever they hit to a pulp), Explosion Manipulation (Via various weapons), Homing Attack (Via some guided rocket systems), Vehicular Mastery, Limited Gravity Manipulation (Via Grav-weapons, only effective for collapsing a target under it's own weight), Limited Smoke Manipulation (Via Smoke Grenades)
Previous abilities augmented by Terminator Armor, along with Teleportation via Dimensional Travel (Each suit of Terminator armor comes equipped with a built-in Teleporter)
All previous abilities vastly augmented by Centurion Armor, Large Size (Type 0)
All previous abilities drastically improved by the Dreadnought walker, Cyborgization (Partial to Normal; The Marine is locked inside a cybernetic sarcophagus, with sometimes only small quantities of their previous internal organs remaining), Large Size (Type 0)
Attack Potency: Building level physically (A standard Space Marine can rip open tanks, crack ceramite with his fists, and break every bone in a normal human's body with an incredibly casual blow. They can also harm other Space Marines with their physical blows), Varies from Building level to City Block level with weaponry (Bolters are capable of reducing other large humanoids to a bloody mist. Concussion missiles can easily tear through barricades made to withstand concentrated fire from numerous tanks. Plasma weaponry, even the weakest of which can blast out projectiles akin to a sun, can also casually atomize large humanoids. Lascannons and meltas are even more powerful than most plasma weaponry. Multi-meltas in particular should be superior to melta-rifles which are this strong). Several weapons ignore conventional durability | At least Building level physically (Terminator armor enhances the Marine's already impressive strength massively, allowing them to flick away regular power armored Marines with ease), Varies from Building level to Large Building level+ with weaponry (Terminators use weapons like storm bolters and autocannons which can threaten standard marines[1] and some carry meltas on combi-bolters which are this strong). Several weapons ignore conventional durability | At least Building level naturally (Vastly superior to most other Space Marines physically and superior to terminators, though the exact extent is unknown), Varies from Building level to Large Building level+ (Assault Centurions have Siege Drills on each arm capable of tearing through powerful barricades and even Land Raiders. Devastator Centurions are armed with some of the most powerful long-range weapons available to ground forces. Centurions are typically armed with anything from heavy bolters to meltas which should be comparable to those found on combi-bolters) | At least Large Building level physically (Dreadnoughts can kill Terminators in a single blow[2]), Varies from Building level to City Block level with weaponry (Dreadnoughts are mounted with some of the most powerful weapons available to ground troops, and are far superior to any regular Marine, typically ranging anywhere from autocannons to multi-meltas). Several weapons ignore conventional durability
Speed: Subsonic. At least Hypersonic combat speed and reactions (Can swat hypersonic projectiles such as Bolts out of the air at close range), up to FTL perception speed for older, more skilled veterans (Veteran Astartes can react to information in nanoseconds[3]) | Superhuman (While still fast, Terminators are not as mobile as regular marines). At least Hypersonic combat speed and reactions, up to FTL perception speed for older, more skilled veterans | Subsonic movement speed. At least Hypersonic combat speed and reactions, up to FTL perception speed for older, more skilled veterans | Unknown movement speed. At least Hypersonic, likely much higher combat speed and reactions (Dreadnoughts are almost all incredibly old, granting them improved reactions and immeasurable battle experience), up to FTL perception speed
Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Even the weakest Marines can carry 1,350 kg, lift 2,700 kg, and push 5,400 kg) to Class 10 (Stronger Marines can rip apart tank hatches and push armoured vehicles with their strength) | At least Class 25, likely higher (Above both baseline Marines and Tech Marines, which can lift 14 Ton Drop Pods from the ground) | At least Class 25 (Vastly above baseline marines, techmarines, and above terminators) | At least Class 50 (At least comparable to noticeably strong Marine characters)
Striking Strength: Building level (Can rip off the top of certain Imperial vehicles. Can hurt each other with physical blows) | At least Building level (Can punch a nearly half-ton Astartes over the horizon. Should be able to easily damage and outstrength a Primaris Marine) | At least Building level (Stronger than Terminators to an unknown extent) | At least Large Building level (Capable of punching through reinforced barricades and killing beings that can tank plasma attacks with physical blows)
Durability: Building level (Grenades far more powerful than ones from the modern day can't even scratch them. Marines in more primitive armor can survive empowered lightning strikes), likely at least Large Building level with shield and/or forcefield (Iron Halos are capable of withstanding Lascannon fire and plasma shots for brief periods of time) | At least Large Building level (While plasma weaponry still melts through the armor, the Marine inside often survives. Able to survive being stomped on by a Warlord-class Titan) | At least Large Building level (More durable than Terminators) | At least Large Building level (Superior to the protection granted by Terminator armor. Capable of shrugging off shots from plasma weaponry)
Stamina: Superhuman (A Space Marine can remain active in combat for at least 2 weeks, can live without food even longer, can also run for days on end without a break and generally ignores non-lethal wounds. They are rarely tired or bored) | Superhuman | Superhuman | Likely limitless
Range: Extended Melee Range due to them having larger limbs, Kilometers with the Bolters, Varies with their other weapons | Extended Melee Range, Kilometers with Storm Bolters, Varies with their other weapons | Several Meters due to size, Varies with their other weapons | Several Meters due to its size, varies with other weapons
Standard Equipment: Power Armor, Auspex, Bolter & Combat Knife or Chainsword & Bolt Pistol, Grenades and other equipment | Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Fist, Sword (Sergeant only), Lightning Claws (Assault Terminators only) | Centurion Armor, Twin-linked Flamer (Assault Centurions only), Assault Launcher (Assault Centurions only, Two Siege Drills (Assault Centurions only), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (Devestator Centurions only), Hurricane Bolter (Devestator Centurions only) | Super dense ceramite shell, Multi-Melta, Power Fist with built-in Storm Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launcher, Extra Armor (Ironclad only), Seismic Hammer with built-in Meltagun (Ironclad only)
Optional Equipment: Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Hand Flamer, Inferno Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Grav-Pistol, Storm Bolter, Power Sword, Gladius, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Combat Shield, Combi-weapons (fixed onto the Bolter), Shotgun, Flamer, Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Grav-Gun, Stalker Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Missile Launcher, Heavy Flamer, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Lascannon, Grav-Cannon (Devastator Centurions only), Omniscope (Centurion Sergeants only), Volkite Weaponry (Restricted to Tartaros Terminator Sergeants, who are exceedingly rare), Autocannons, Conversion Beamers, Jump Packs, Grav weapons, Smoke Grenades
Intelligence: Gifted (Space Marines have enhanced intelligence, great deal of implanted knowledge combined with decades to centuries of fighting experience on worst battlefields of the galaxy. They are one of the best combatants known in the verse with a single company capable of conquering an entire planet)
Weaknesses: None notable | Slightly lower speed and maneuverability due to the extreme bulk of the armor. Teleportation can be dangerous without a Homer. Incapable of flight. | Same as before. Does not possess teleportation tech. Incapable of flight. | Vulnerable to anti-vehicle weaponry, such as Haywire weapons and EMP grenades. Possesses no teleportation tech. Incapable of flight.
Note: This profile describes the average/baseline Space Marine from the Warhammer 40,000 franchise. Special characters tend to have better feats and power-scaling that makes them even stronger.
Note 2: For further information on the Adeptus Astartes and their capabilities, check this blog.
Notable Matchups
Marine (StarCraft) Marine's profile (Standard Space Marine was used, equipped with only Bolter/Bolt Rifle and Combat Knife, and speed was equalized)
Nova Terra (StarCraft) Terra's profile (Speed was equalized, High 6-C weapons were banned. Nova had her Apollo Suit, Ghost Visor, Pulse Grenades, and the standard C-20A Canister Rifle. The Space Marine had a Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Grenades and a Combat Knife)
Master Chief (Halo) Chief's profile (Speed was equalized. Chief was in Generation II MJOLNIR armor and had access to his Scattershot and Selene's Lance. Tactical Marine was used and had access to only Bolter/Bolt Pistol and Combat Knife)
Discussion threads involving Adeptus Astartes |