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VS Battles Wiki
Power lends one an air of capability. Even moreso when it comes to the Aegis. When we first met... We could have burned you to pieces. Though fortunately we avoided that thanks to Jin. As I am, I am not in full control of Mythra's full power. Scores of soldiers could die by my hand... I was frightened. This cataclysm Malos caused... It's likely all because Questor Amalthus was unable to control him. And if that's true, then perhaps I too...
~ Addam as to why he cannot use Mythra's full power


Addam is one of the main playable characters from Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country.

Born as a bastard child to the the King of Torna, Addam was raised as a tornan noble though despite his lineage he was only 4th in line to the throne. He is a very kind-hearted individual which causes him to be very popular among his people, when Malos began his rampage on the world, Addam was selected to resonate with the other Aegis Mythra in order to stop him. He acts as a father figure to the inexperienced Aegis as he tries to guide her through the complicated and grey world they live in. In his travels Addam comes across Lora and Jin who's bond greatly surprised and delighted him as he finds the fighting style they invented to be amazing. Though despite all the power he wields, Addam is afraid of what Mythra is truly capable of and when Mythra goes berserk during the final fight with Malos. She and Addam decide that it would be best if Mythra was sealed away as to prevent anymore destruction. After the Aegis War, Addam continued his travels until finally settling down on the Leftarian Artipeligo.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-C

Name: Addam Origo

Origin: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown but likely in his 30s

Classification: Human, Driver, Prince

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Is a skilled swordsman), Energy Projection (Able to shoot blasts of ether energy at his foes), Status Effect Inducement, Damage Boost (Many of Addam's arts can deal increased damage), Statistics Amplification (Of Strength, Speed and Vitality; Addam's Affinity Skills increase his stats), Probability Manipulation (Can increase his chance perform a critical hit, dodge , hit an opponent or increasing the chance of statuses going off), Damage Transferal (Spike deals damages the enemy equal to how much Addam has been damaged), Social Influencing (Addam is a highly charismatic person who has captivated the hearts of his people), Elemental Manipulation (Of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Ice and Dark; Addam can change the element of his weapon to any of these elements), Supernatural Luck and Limited Invulnerability (Through his Dragonsblood skill which allows Addam to withstand an attack that would kill him and gives her invincibility for a short period of time), and likely Non-Physical Interaction (Should be capable of hitting Addam's Phantasms, beings that are described as ghosts and likely share the physiology with Xenoblade 1's Nebulas)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Master Swordsman, Blade Physiology (Aegis), Self-Sustenance (Type 1 and 2; Survived 500 years asleep underwater without any food or water), Extrasensory Perception (Mythra was able to sense Malos), Light Manipulation (Mythra is a light element blade), Flight (Has shown to be able to fly), Self Power Modification (Mythra directly created Pyra who has shown her own unique abilities), Telepathy (Pyra and Mythra are able to speak into Rex's mind), Perception Manipulation (Pyra and Mythra show Rex Artifice Aion along with appearing to him while their body is limp), Analytical Prediction and Precognition (Mythra's Foresight allows her to predict her enemy's movements and see the future), Teleportation (Mythra can teleport), Summoning (Mythra can summon Artifice Siren and Ophion), Matter Manipulation (Malos's Siren who is identical to Mythra's Siren could shoot blasts that can turn rock into glass), Damage Transferal (Multiple Core Chips allow for Mythra to deal 1.5x damage of the damage she took to her opponent), Life Force Absorption (Core Chips such as the Sunlight Chip allow for her to recover health when damaging her fow), Attack Negation (The Ultimate Shield aux core allows for Mythra to negate enemy attacks), Healing (Numerous aux cores allow for Mythra to heal herself for actions such dealing damage, taking damage or even just for moving), Damage Boost (Numerous aux cores allow for Mythra to increase her damage massively), Damage Reduction (Aux cores allow for Mythra to reduce the damage she takes from Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Dark attacks by up to 35% and from standard attacks), Attack Reflection (The Element Reflect aux cores allow for Mythra to reflect element based attacks back at her foes), Empathic Manipulation (Can increase or decrease how aggro her opponent is through the use of aux cores), Statistics Amplification (Can increase her defences by up to 22% through the use of aux cores), Probability Manipulation (Mythra's talent art Glimpse The Future allows her allies to dodge a set number of attacks), Durability Negation (Mythra can inflict Pierce which allows her to ignore conventional durability, Mythra can also make use of guard annulling attacks which allows her to ignore forcefields and barriers), Power Nullification and Sealing (Able to use Blade combos which seals enemy abilities), Berserk Mode (After the death of her friend Mythra's rage caused her to enter a more powerful state with the lack of all morals), Heat Manipulation and Greater Deconstruction (Mythra when berserk performed this feat. This feat also affected Malos and his Artifice who could tank Siren blasts which could affect beings who can swim in the cloud sea which breaks down matter it comes into contact with), likely Non-Physical Interaction (Can likely hit Addam's phantasms just like the rest of the cast)

Blade Physiology Resistances (Aegis), Power Nullification (Can resist the Shackle Blade status which causes Blades to be unable to use their abilities), Attack Reflection (Via Reflect Immunity), Damage Transferal (Via Spike Defense), Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement, Disease Manipulation (Blades are stated to unable to catch colds), Death Manipulation (Can resist the Doom status which inflicts instant death), Immortality Negation (Type 3 - High-Mid; and 8 Able to take hits from fire blades such as Brighid who are able to kill Guldos), Body Puppetry (Mythra was resisting Amalthus's ability to control Blades and Titans), Existence Erasure (The Pneuma core was unaffected by Annihilation Events caused by Alpha with Annihilation Events working by cancelling out matter), Possession (Heavily skilled individuals in Xenoblade are capable of resisting The Monado's attempt to possess them as shown with Dunban resisting it through his skill and technique), Time Stop (Able to exist within the world of Aionios which is a world of stopped time), Law Manipulation, Power Modification and Reality Warping (Ouroboros are derived from the Pneuma as seen by it being used by Matthew to both Interlink and turn Nikol and Glimmer into Ouroboros with Ouroboros being capable of breaking Z's grasp on the world which allows Z to decide what is permitted and what is prohibited, control the world's very fabric and control other's abilities as evident by him disabling Mio's use of Moebius powers and controlling the Mio's and other Moebius' teleportation), Precognition (Ouroboros power is capable of breaking through Alpha's Future Sight as stated by A during their fight with Alpha), Memory Manipulation and Earth Manipulation (Ouroboros are unaffected by Consul J's ability to steal memories and fashion them into mud puppets with their own minds), Unconventional Absorption (Despite Malos draining Pyra/Mythra of their memory and data to the point where Malos wouldn't classify them as an Aegis anymore they somehow were fine minutes later while showing no signs that they had lost their memories and even later states that they have the data of all Blades despite the fact that Malos should had taken it)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Is adept with his Gunknives), Blade Physiology (Flesh Eater), Darkness Manipulation (Minoth is a dark element flesh eater), Acrobatics (Minoth is a highly acrobatic individual), Probability Manipulation (Able to increase his chances of performing a critical hit, his accuracy and his evasion), Damage Transferal (Multiple Core Chips allow for Minoth to deal 1.5x damage of the damage he took to his opponent), Life Force Absorption (Core Chips such as the Sunlight Chip allow for him to recover health when damaging his foe), Attack Negation (The Ultimate Shield aux core allows for Minoth to negate enemy attacks), Damage Boost (Numerous aux cores allow for Minoth to increase his damage massively), Damage Reduction (Aux cores allow for Minoth to reduce the damage he takes from Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Dark attacks by up to 35% and from standard attacks), Attack Reflection (The Element Reflect aux cores allow for Minoth to reflect element based attacks back at his foes), Empathic Manipulation (Can increase or decrease how aggro his opponent is through the use of aux cores), Healing (Can heal himself through Aux cores such as Damage Heal), likely Non-Physical Interaction (Should be able to hit Addam's Phantasms like the base XC2 cast)

Attack Potency: Moon level (Is the Driver of Mythra. Fought against Malos)

Speed: At least Relativistic+, likely Speed of Light (Can to keep up with the likes of Mythra and Malos), Massively FTL+ with Foresight (During Foresight, his perception of time slows down to the point where light seems to be standing still, which would make him this fast)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Moon level

Durability: Moon level (Can take hits from the likes of Malos)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range with Greatsword, Thousands of Kilometers with Elemental Manipulation and other abilities, (With Mythra, Addam should be comparable to Malos who wiped out an entire army from a distance), far higher with Artifice Siren (Siren can fire beams from orbit)

Standard Equipment: His Greatsword, various core chips, aux cores and accessories. Mythra and Minoth.

Intelligence: Gifted (Addam is one of the most respected fighters and politicians in Alrest as he becomes legendary later in the main game. He captivates those around him and was considered worthy to be the driver of the Pneuma core)

Weaknesses: If Minoth's core is destroyed he will die.

Note: For a list of abilities compatible with Mythra's Reactive Evolution see the abilities listed here.


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Addam (Xenoblade)