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VS Battles Wiki
Boss bison

For many moons, I've been in the beast form. I've forgotten how does it feel to be a human, yet I've got real freedom.

You all just humans. Fragile, full of doubts. What is insanity for you, for me - a gift of strength! You won't dare to reject my mercy!

I sense the fear. It boils my blood! You will accept my blessing and then understand everything... But if you won't, I will feast upon your vitality!

~ Adanti towards Shadow, Sensei and May


For many moons, Adanti has been living under the guise of a bison beast, to the point where it has forgotten how it felt to be a human, but nonetheless revelling in the real freedom the beast form had given it. When life as a human became too hard for it to bear, Adanti chose the easy way to live by transforming into the beast it is now, and as a result the curse ended up making the shaman go crazy and be obsessed with turning people into beasts in order to create an army of monsters just like it.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 4-B

Name: Adanti, Beast

Origin: Shadow Fight 2: Underworld

Gender: As a beast, Adanti's referred to as an "it", although it has a male-like voice.

Age: Unknown

Classification: Werewolf, Shaman, Raid Boss

Powers and Abilities:

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Acrobatics with Martial Arts (Adanti can perform all of Shadow's acrobatic and fighting movements, and fights more aggressively and smarter than the enemies that Shadow fought during the main events of Shadow Fight 2)
  • Curse Manipulation with Corruption (Type 2) and Madness Manipulation (Type 2) (Adanti can "bless" people with its werewolf curse, turning them into beasts to create and gather a whole army of monsters. Additionally, the curse makes said people crazy, causing them crave the "real freedom" of their beast forms - thus preventing them from choosing to live the hard way as a human again 1[1])
  • Durability Negation (The level and stats of all of Shadow's equipment do not affect Raids against Adanti, allowing Adanti to deal fixed damage with all of its attacks regardless of how high Shadow's Helm and Armor defensive stats are)
  • Forcefield Creation (Adanti is protected by a shield that is worth 95 times its own health)
  • Likely Incorporeality with Intangibility (Immaterial) (The spectral apperance of Adanti's beast form is greatly similar to that of Wolf Wind's, who is described as being a vengeful spirit [1][2]. Additionally, Adanti's beast form is the manifestation of a human's soul under the mask of the beast [1][1])
  • Law Manipulation (Adanti can inflict and enforce universal laws known as "Fight Rules" upon its enemy)
  • Life Manipulation with Likely Soul Manipulation (Adanti can feast upon the vitality of a person and suggests that it can also consume their spirit [1][1])
  • Power Nullification / Probability Manipulation (The majority of Shadow's Perks are unable to activate by chance when in combat with Adanti)
  • Regeneration (Low-Mid; not combat-applicable)
  • Transformation with Statistics Amplification (Adanti's werewolf curse is a gift of strength, as it allows it to turn into a bison-like beast and stay in this form for as long as it wishes [1][1])
  • Weapon Mastery (Adanti is an adept user of Tomahawk Axes and Throwing Tomahawks)




Special Abilities

Fight Rules


  • Possibly Death Manipulation (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Blade of Death Scythe and Death's Jaw Knives)
  • Possibly Empathic Manipulation (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Pain and Panic Sickles)
  • Fate Manipulation (Adanti can still win fights against Shadow even though the latter is in possession of Fatum's Valentine's Day artifacts, which can change destiny 1.[3] It is also unaffected by Shadow's ability to choose which direction the next coil of life and death will take along the spiral of history 1[4])
  • Possibly Madness Manipulation (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Harbinger of Madness Ranged Weapon)
  • Possibly Pain Manipulation (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Pain and Panic Sickles and Blade of the Eternal Pain Sickles)
  • Paralysis Inducement (Adanti is immune to Shadow's Stun Enchantment)
  • Possibly Social Influencing (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Dissector of Hopes Scythe)
  • Possibly Soul Manipulation (Adanti is unaffected by hits from Shadow's Harvester of Souls Ranged Weapon and "Sentinel's Spirit" Magic, which is a spirit dragon described as being a Souls Keeper)

Attack Potency: Solar System level (Adanti put up a good fight against a Shadow who previously defeated Tenebris, who stated that he forged the light and darkness of worlds 1[5] [3.4 × 1046 Joules]). Can ignore conventional durability with its Punches, Kicks, Throws, Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Magic, Special Abilities and Cobra Perk.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Kept up with Shadow in combat, who previously dodged Hermit's cloud-to-earth lightning attacks)

Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human (Should be similar to Shadow, who can swing around extremely heavy Weapons such as Scythes, Giant Swords, Two-handed Cudgels, Two-handed Maces and Warhammers with little issue. Adanti can grab and throw a Shadow who wears a heavy steel Armor and Helm)

Striking Strength: Solar System level (Can trade blows with Shadow)

Durability: Solar System level (Can take hits from Shadow)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can sustain painful battle wounds such as deep blade wounds to vital areas, impalements and powerful blunt attacks all while fighting. Its stamina is related to its health, and thus as long as it doesn't lose all of it, Adanti can maximize the amount of time it can spend fighting)

Range: Standard Melee Range with Punches, Kicks, Harrier Hooks, Several Meters with Chieftain's Tomahawk and Spirits' Wrath.

Standard Equipment: Harrier Hooks Weapon, Chieftain's Tomahawk Ranged Weapon, Spirits' Wrath Magic


Name Description Picture
Harrier Hooks Adanti's Weapon of choice.
Weapon super axes

Name Description Picture
Chieftain's Tomahawk Adanti's Ranged Weapon of choice.
Ranged ae21 tomahawk

Name Description Picture
Spirits' Wrath Adanti's Magic of choice. This Magic amulet allows Adanti to gather inner magical energy through combat and use it to create spirit fire pillars.
Magic ae21 pillar


Adanti displays a degree of self-awareness about its condition. It acknowledges that it's been in beast form for a long time and has forgotten how it feels to be human. This implies a level of introspection and the ability to reflect on its own situation.

Adanti attempts to justify its actions and the transformation of others into monsters. It uses persuasive language to convince the other characters that their curse is actually a gift, emphasizing the freedom it provides. This indicates a manipulative intelligence, attempting to sway others to their point of view.

Adanti senses fear in the other characters and acknowledges its effect on them. This suggests an understanding of human emotions and how to exploit them to further its goals.

Adanti is not easily defeated in combat and even remarks on the strength of the human spirit. This indicates an ability to adapt to challenges and persevere in the face of adversity.

After being defeated, Adanti reflects on its feelings of weakness and worthlessness. This introspection shows a level of intellectual depth and an understanding of the complexities of its situation.

The dialogue also reveals Adanti's inner conflict about its identity. It is torn between its beastly nature and its human soul. This suggests an intelligence capable of grappling with moral and existential dilemmas.


Adanti displays a certain level of arrogance, believing that its transformation into a beast grants it superior strength and freedom. This arrogance blinds it to the potential weaknesses in its plan and makes it underestimate the human spirit.

Adanti's overconfidence in its ability to transform others into monsters and the belief that its curse is a "gift of strength" leads it to underestimate the resolve and resilience of the human characters. This overconfidence ultimately leads to its defeat.

After its defeat, Adanti experiences emotional turmoil, feeling weak and worthless. This emotional instability could be exploited by others, particularly those who want to help Adanti find a path to redemption or change.

Adanti's inner conflict about its identity and the tension between its human soul and beastly nature represent a significant weakness. This inner turmoil could be exploited by characters who seek to guide Adanti toward a more positive path or by those who wish to thwart its plans.

Adanti's disregard for the rights and choices of others, as seen in its willingness to transform people into monsters without their consent, portrays a lack of empathy. This lack of empathy can be a vulnerability, as it may lead to opposition from characters who value individual freedom and choice.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Name Description
Headhitround gold
Head Hit
Landing a strike on the enemy's head triggers a Head Hit, making it deal 60% more damage.
Firsthit gold
Critical Hit
Any unblocked attack has a chance to be a Critical Hit, which deals 50% more damage and makes the enemy fall to the ground.
Ach shockwin
Dealing a hit to the enemy has a slight chance of resulting in a Shock, which will disarm the enemy and make them fall to the ground, forcing them to fight barehanded afterward for the rest of the round.
Block gold
By standing still and not moving, Adanti can enter defensive stances to block incoming hits from the enemy, significantly reducing the damage received.
Block Breaker
A 30% chance to bypass its enemy's block.
A 100% chance that during first 3 seconds of a round Adanti's First Strike would reduce enemy health by 20%.
Eagle Eye
Not using ranged weapons for more than 5 seconds triggers a chance to get +35% ranged damage for 3 seconds.
After Adanti's magic is fully charged, 5 successful melee attacks grants it +50% magic damage for 5 seconds.

Name Description
Critical Protection
A 20% chance to reduce damage from an incoming critical head hit.
A chance to increase Adanti's melee damage by 200% for 5 seconds after receiving a body hit.
Magic Recharge
A chance to increase Adanti's magic recharge from taking a head hit by 300%.

Name Description Example
Spirits' Wrath Adanti forms a spirit fire ball in both hands and then slams it into the ground. After a brief period of time a spirit fire pillar raises from the ground below the enemy, damaging them upon impact. Additionally, this Magic bypasses the enemy's Block Perk.

Name Description Example
Smoke Bomb Adanti becomes invisible after throwing a smoke bomb to the ground and stays the same until the enemy damages it heavily, the enemy deals a Critical Hit, or the round ends. Adanti does not use its Ranged Weapon while being invisible.

Name Description
Dodge Enemy Magic The enemy has to dodge Adanti's Spirits' Wrath Magic due to it being capable of instantly killing them in one hit.
Hot Ground While the enemy stands on the ground, a countdown of 12 seconds activates. If the enemy does not separate their whole body from the ground by the time the countdown finishes, they will instantly lose the round. By simply jumping in the air or through any other means of disconnecting their body from the ground, the enemy can constantly reset this countdown back to 12 seconds, essentially freezing it altogether for as long as they remain in the air.
Inverted Movement The enemy's movement controls all become inverted (e.g. if they input a jump, they will instead crouch; if they input a step towards Adanti, they will instead perform a step away from it; etc.).
No Blocks The enemy is prohibited from blocking Adanti's attacks.
No Jumps The enemy is prohibited from jumping.
No Kicks The enemy is prohibited from using kicks.
Periodical Earthquakes From the start and until the end of the round, every 8 seconds a brief earthquake occurs in the arena, damaging and knocking down the enemy if they happen to be on the ground when the tremor takes place.

Note: Credits to the Shadow Fight Wiki for the assets and information present on this profile.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Shadow Fight 2; Underworld; Independence Day 2021 Event; Adanti Raid
  2. Shadow Fight 2; Underworld; Independence Day 2022 Event; Google Play Event Description
  3. Shadow Fight 2; Underworld; Valentine's Day 2017
  4. Shadow Fight 2; Underworld; Tenebris Raid; Enter Portal
  5. Shadow Fight 2; Underworld; Tenebris Raid


Discussion threads involving Adanti (Shadow Fight)