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Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way...
~ Adam Taurus

Adam Amity Artwork
We can win a war against the humans. Not only because we have the support of Hazel's master, but because the Faunus are the dominant species of this planet. We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunus, they should serve the Faunus!
~ Adam stating his views about Faunus and Humans and how the former should subjugate the latter.


Adam Taurus was an antagonist in RWBY. Previously the leader of the White Fang's Vale branch, he became the High Leader after deposing the former leader Sienna Khan in a coup, but was ousted after the White Fang's defeat in the Battle of Haven. Following this, he began relentlessly chasing Blake Belladonna, only to be overpowered and killed by her and Yang Xiao Long.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A, higher with Moonslice

Name: Adam Taurus

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Male

Age: Estimated to be around 23

Classification: Faunus (Bull), Former High Leader of the White Fang

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aura (Able to use his Aura for numerous purposes), Forcefield Creation (Aura can be used as a full-body forcefield), Statistics Amplification (Can use Aura to enhance his striking power), Enhanced Senses (Can use his Aura to sharpen his senses. Being a Faunus gives him enhanced hearing and grants him night vision. Adam is capable of fighting unimpaired while wearing a blindfold), Regeneration (Low), Extrasensory Perception (His Aura allows him to sense things around him), Weapon Mastery (Skilled swordsman), Martial Arts (Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant), Acrobatics, Accelerated Development (Training [Physical Statistics and Abilities; Even Huntsmen in Training are able to rapidly develop in short periods of time, becoming significantly stronger and faster and evolving their abilities through short periods of training]), Fire Manipulation (Via Fire Dust), Energy Absorption/Projection, Attack Reflection, and Statistics Amplification (Via Semblance), Limited Duplication, Resistance to Extreme Heat and Cold (Aura protects the user from sub-zero temperatures, allowing them to be encased in ice without being cold, walk through a blizzard in casual clothing[1], and traverse the kingdom of Atlas, which resides in Remnant's North Pole,[2] without wearing any protective gear, as well as extreme heat up to and including the heat of flames,[3], being blasted with steam[4] being struck by lighting for an extended period of time,[5][6][7] and being submerged in lava without being burned[8])

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Far superior to Blake and Yang during Volumes 1-3, even one-shotting the latter after she activated her Semblance, and still outclassed them individually during the events of Volume 6. Blake was convinced that even if she and Sun took Adam on together he would still kill both of them), higher with Moonslice (Moonslice functions near identically to Yang's Burn, allowing Adam to absorb energy from his opponent's attacks and can project it back at them)

Speed: Relativistic Reactions and Combat Speed (Reacted to the Spider Droid's particle beam[9])

Lifting Strength: At least Class M, likely higher (Stronger than Blake and easily overpowered her during their clash)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level, higher with Moonslice

Durability: Multi-City Block level (Took various attacks from both Yang and Blake in Volume 6), higher with Aura (Aura functions as a forcefield with a cumulative durability, depicted as a 'health bar', and allows him to take dozens of hits from opponents as strong as himself without any significant injury. Protected him from Yang's Semblance while his Aura was low)

Stamina: Superhuman (Went on various missions with the White Fang without getting tired, and fought both Yang and Blake on two occasions for extended periods of time, only getting tired after his Aura was broken by Yang's Semblance)

Range: Extended Melee Range with Wilt, Tens of Meters with Blush and Moonslice

Standard Equipment: Wilt and Blush

Intelligence: Gifted (Adam is highly skilled in swordsmanship, holding a preference towards the usage of "Iaido", a method in Japanese sword fighting that involves quickly unsheathing for a rapid attack and then sheathing again. Adam is also adept in unarmed combat, utilizing kicks and grabs in addition to his swordsmanship. Although Blake and Yang ultimately managed to defeat and kill him, all three exhausted their Auras during the final duel, showing that Adam was nearly a match for their combined power. Adam was very intelligent despite his aggressive personality, as he repeatedly proved himself to be quick thinking and a skilled manipulator, best shown of his takeover of the White Fang. As a leader, Adam displayed an excellent tactical acumen, planning the White Fang's Vale operations, and successfully executed a political takeover of the White Fang. Adam was also capable of psychological warfare, skillfully taunting Blake and Yang in all of his engagements with the two. Even at the height of his obsession with Blake, Adam retained his quick thinking on the battlefield)

Weaknesses: Cannot use his Semblance without his sword. Continual damage to his Aura will cause it to decay to the point where he can be left open to more significant damage. Aura's durability is cumulative; it will deplete with each attack he takes and can be brought down by characters of similar strength. Semblances drain Aura by a small amount and without it they cannot be used until it is recharged. Constant exposure to extreme temperature can drain the user's Aura.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Wilt and Blush
  • Wilt and Blush: Adam Taurus' weapons of choice, Wilt is a red-colored version of a traditional Japanese chokutō and Blush is a rifle that also functions as a scabbard. Blush serves as a sheath for Wilt, and the sword itself can be shot hilt-first out of the barrel. When Wilt is unsheathed, Blush's stock becomes more angular and shorter while the barrel extends, holding a greater resemblance to an actual rifle. Although small and seemingly lightweight, Blush's component is capable of automatic fire, and Wilt is used in Iaijutsu style, quickly drawing the sword for a strike and then sheathing it again. Wilt has been shown to be capable of trailing fire when Adam swings it. Adam uses Wilt in conjunction with his Semblance, both in blocking attacks and executing his Semblance's offensive move.
  • Moonslice: Adam's Semblance, which allows him to absorb or block the energy from an enemy attack and re-emit it again in powerful red energy strikes; he could also use the absorbed energy to increase his speed and strength. However, he could only absorb energy through a weapon. This enabled him to avoid taking damage directly during absorption, but leaves him highly vulnerable if he is disarmed. Blake described Adam's Semblance as receiving energy in his sword and storing it before sending it back outward. Adam can retain the stored energy for some time and does not need to return the damage immediately. Adam is also capable of creating afterimages that have physical properties. In these instances when he absorbs attacks, everything red on him - such as his hair, outfit, Wilt's blade and the markings on his mask - glows.

Notable Matchups


Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Yang's Profile (Volume 6 Yang, battle took place at the Amity Colosseum and both had prior knowledge)




  1. RWBY Volume 6 Episode 5
  2. RWBY: World of Remnant, Episode 11: Atlas
  3. RWBY Volume 2 Episode 11
  4. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 4
  5. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 2
  6. RWBY Volume 5 Episode 13
  7. RWBY Volume 8 Episode 3
  8. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 5
  9. RWBY "Black" Trailer


Discussion threads involving Adam Taurus