“ | He's been called the hope of humanity. Who could've seen it coming? God blessed them and said to them, "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the Earth and subdue it". Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. But, to think the day would come... That the man, would eventually come to rebel against his creator! Defining the very essence of a "man". Truly... he is a man among men! | „ |
~ Adam's description |
“ | They all say the same thing. "Hatred"? "Revenge"? I don't need any of that. There is no reason why. Is there any man that needs a reason to protect his own children? | „ |
~ Adam to Zeus |
Adam is the father of humanity and a major character in Record of Ragnarok. He was made in God's image and is considered to be the human Nº 00000000001, as well as humanity's greatest trump card in the events of the Ragnarok.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 7-A, possibly higher
Name: Adam
Origin: Record of Ragnarok
Gender: Male
Age: 7,000,000+ (He was the first human to ever exist)
Classification: Human, File NO.00000000001, Humanity's Progenitor, Representative of Humanity in Ragnarok.
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Immortality (Type 1 and 7; As a soul in Valhalla, Adam is unable to die through aging, and remains in his peak condition during his lifetime[1])
- Martial Arts (He was declared to have a knack for unarmed combat,[2] as he was also shown to be skilled at using techniques copied from Zeus[3])
- Limited Power Mimicry (Can copy any technique or ability of the gods he sees with Divine Reflection.[3] This also allows him to copy transformations and biological powers[4])
- Possibly Bodily Weaponry with The Serpent's Claws (Copied the serpent god's claws[4])
- Possibly Limited Air Manipulation with Divine Axe (Copied Zeus's Divine Axe[3] so should be able to do this[3])
- Possibly Afterimage Creation with Footwork (Copied Zeus Footwork,[3] which increases his speed and creates afterimages[3])
- Supernatural Willpower and Instinctive Reaction (His will was so strong that his body was still capable of fighting even after death[5])
- Social Influencing (A simple speech from Adam motivated the whole crowd to cheer for him, as well as uniting the whole humanity regardless of division, creed, race, gender or nationality[6])
- Limited Weapon Creation, Fusionism, Soul Manipulation and Multiple Selves With Reginleif (Type 2 and 3; The human combatants fuse their being with the Valkyries into one, including their souls.[7] After the fusion, the minds and souls of the Valkyries are part of their user, while their body transforms into the weapon that best suits it[7])
- Resistance to Fear Manipulation (Stood his ground against the menacing aura exerted by the Adamas form of Zeus[6])
Attack Potency: At least Mountain level, possibly higher (Capable of fighting against and damaging Zeus. Zeus experienced the Big Bang and called it a mere thrill, although it's unknown how close he was to the blast. Defeated his father Chronus, The Guardian of Space-Time, who was declared the strongest in the universe at the time, as well as being implied to be able to destroy Heaven in his Adamas Form)
Speed: At least FTL, Massively FTL+, possibly Infinite with Divine Reflection (Capable of casually dodging attacks from Zeus. His fist surpassed time itself and was able to react and move in a timeframe of already "0.00000000000000000000 seconds" before the rest could be seen. Capable of keeping up with Adamas Zeus whose attacks were described as unavoidable), Massively FTL+, possibly Infinite with the Fist that Surpassed Time (His fist surpassed time itself and was able to move in a timeframe of "0.00000000000000000000 seconds" before the rest could be seen)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At least Mountain level, possibly higher
Durability: At least Mountain level, possibly higher
Stamina: Superhuman (Capable of fighting even after exceeding his own limits, where his entire nervous system was being under an unimaginable amount of pressure. His body kept up trading blows with Zeus even after his own death)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, potentially higher with copied techniques
Standard Equipment: Knuckle Duster
Intelligence: Above Average (Adam has shown to possess a certain degree of mastery over hand-to-hand combat and managed to trick Zeus into punching him so he could accurately catch the position of the former when blind)
Weaknesses: His body will overheat if he uses Divine Reflection too much, which starts to cause immense stress over his nervous system.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Divine Reflection: Adam's special technique that he was gifted with for being made in the image of God. With it, Adam can copy all the techniques and abilities of the gods that his eyes once lay, regardless of their speed and power. Divine Reflection enables Adam to see through his opponents' techniques even if they're Gods. By seeing through his opponents' techniques this does not only provide Adam the means to dodge their attacks but also perfectly copy it and even return it right back at them, allowing him to perform those powers even faster and stronger compared to the original user. As stated by Brunhild, Adam's true power relies on the fact that he uses the Gods' own pride and arrogance against them. This also allows Adam to copy transformations and biological powers, which might change his own body.
Notable Matchups
Shiva (Record of Ragnarok) Shiva's Profile (Speed was equalized)
Discussion threads involving Adam (Record of Ragnarok) |