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Acnologia's appearance
I am bored! I am bored of the whole world, Black Wizard.
~ Acnologia to Zeref

Dragon Acnologia Render
I am the Final Dragon... the Ultimate Dragon who devours all magic... I am the Arcane Dragon, Acnologia!!!!
~ Acnologia to the World

New Human Acnologia Render
I see that I must teach you... why they call me the Dragon King!!!!
~ Acnologia to the Seven Dragon Slayers

Dragon Form Acnologia (Post-SBT Absorption)
I was a king before, but now I reign supreme!!! This entire world belongs to me!!!
~ Acnologia to the World

Acnologia Doctor
My ability to stop their bleeding won't help. What I need is the power to make them bleed! What I need is... Dragon Slayer Magic!
~ Young Acnologia resolving himself to kill all the dragons


Acnologia, known to be fearsomely reputed as the Dragon King, was a cataclysmically powerful Dragon Slayer that can take the form of a Dragon at any time due to his overuse of Dragon Slayer Magic and bathing in the blood of the Dragons he killed. He was referred to as Doctor in his early life that took care of Dragons. However, due to them murdering his family, destroying his city, and "claiming" the life of a child, he took it upon himself using the name of the Dragon whom he despised to slay every Dragon in existence, believing they only cause destruction and pain.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-A, higher with Dragon Form | 5-A, higher with Dragon Form

Key: Pre-Space Between Time | Post-Space Between Time

Name: Acnologia, Dragon King, Black Dragon of Apocalypse, Arcane Dragon, Doctor

Origin: Fairy Tail

Gender: Male

Age: At least 400

Classification: Dragon, Mage, Dragon Slayer, Former Human

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Extrasensory Perception, Magic, Empowerment (His emotions directly translate into magic power and his strength grows more powerful as said emotions get stronger), Immortality (Type 1), Transformation (Via Dragon Form), Energy Projection (Can fire powerful blasts of energy), Explosion Manipulation (Can generate huge explosions with his magic), Absorption (Can absorb all forms of magic. Can drain magic from his opponent. All Mages passively absorb Ethernano from the atmosphere to regenerate their Magic Power), Absorption Negation (Dragon Slayers are capable of entirely negating the effects of the Anima, which is capable of absorbing all of someone's magic power and transmuting them into a Larcima Crystal), Healing, Dragon Slayer Magic (His Magic is especially effective against dragons and those with dragon-like properties, bypassing their defenses), Magic Resistance Negation (Can use Dragon Slayer Magic to damage characters and objects which are normally immune to Magic), Limited Regeneration Negation (Dragons are unable to heal or regenerate from injuries that come from Dragon Slayer Magic), Limited Power Mimicry (Can likely replicate the properties of other magics after consuming them like other Dragon Slayers), Soul Manipulation (Can use Dragon Slayer Magic to rip out and then absorb the souls of dragons), Resistance to Magic (Acnologia is almost completely unaffected by any form of magic), Absorption (Dragon Slayers are completely resistant to the effects of the Anima, which is capable of absorbing all of someone's magic power), Transmutation (Dragon Slayers are completely resistant to the effects of the Anima, which is capable of transmuting someone into a Larcima Crystal), Mind Manipulation (Was completely unaffected by Future Rogue's Dragon Supremacy Magic), Telepathy (Cobra was unable to read his heart and mind), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2. Completely resisted the effects of the Space Between Time, which is stated to be a concept[1]), Existence Erasure (Completely resisted the effects of the Space Between Time, which erases the existence of whatever is inside of it[2])

Same as his Human Form, Large Size (Type 1), Regeneration (Low-Mid), Flight

Same as his Pre-Space Between Time Human Form, Space-Time Manipulation (After absorbing the Space Between Time, Acnologia gained complete control over space and time), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2. Can completely control the Space Between Time, which is stated to be a concept), Telekinesis (Can send opponents flying by waving his hand), Limited Pocket Reality Manipulation (Can shape the landscape of the Space Between Time and manipulate the crystal-like pillars to trap his opponents so that they are unable to move or stay conscious. Can remove unwanted beings from the Space Between Time), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to and from the Space Between Time)

Same as his Pre-Space Between Time Dragon Form and Post-SBT Human Form, Danmaku (Via Eternal Flare, which is a massive barrage of energy projectiles), BFR (Can send beings into the Space Between Time to battle his Human Form), Resistance to Time Stop (Managed to still move while under the effects of Fairy Sphere), Unconventional Resistance to Soul Manipulation (His Soul is located within the Space Between Time Dimension and to effect his Soul, one is required to either enter said Dimension, or have Interdimensional ranged abilities)

Attack Potency: Large Planet level (Should be equal to Human Form Selene. Far more powerful than or equal to Base Zeref, Ultimate Magic Form August, and Dragon Form Irene), higher with Dragon Form (Far stronger than his Human Form. Fought Igneel and ripped him to pieces. Comparable to Fairy Heart Form Zeref. Stated to be equal in power to all the Dragon Forms of the[3] Five Dragon Gods) | Large Planet level (Way stronger than his prior Dragon Form, due to absorbing the Space Between Time, which has much more magic than his prior Dragon Form. Traded blows with and overpowered a Savage Dragon Fire Form Natsu that was enchanted to be at least 2x stronger than normal), higher with Dragon Form (Stated to be the strongest character in the original Fairy Tail series prior to the 100 Years Quest series.[4] Far stronger than his Human Form and Seven Fire Dragons Mode Natsu)

Speed: FTL (Faster than Base Zeref and Ultimate Magic Form August), FTL+ with Dragon Form (Far faster than his Human Form. Should be comparable to Dragon Form Selene) | FTL+ (Faster than a Savage Dragon Fire Form Natsu who was enchanted to be at least 2x faster than normal), Massively FTL with Dragon Form (Much faster than both his Human Form and Seven Fire Dragons Mode Natsu)

Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Far stronger than Base Zeref), Class P with Dragon Form (Should be comparable to Dragon Form Aldoron) | Class P (Stronger than his previous Dragon Form), higher with Dragon Form (Far stronger than his Base Form)

Striking Strength: Large Planet level (Comparable to his Attack Power. Far more powerful than or equal to Base Zeref, Ultimate Magic Form August, and Dragon Form Irene), higher with Dragon Form (Far stronger than his Human Form. Fought Igneel and ripped him to pieces. Comparable to Fairy Heart Form Zeref. Stated to be equal in power to all the Dragon Forms of the Five Dragon Gods) | Large Planet level (Way stronger than his prior Dragon Form, due to absorbing the Space Between Time, which has much more magic than his prior Dragon Form. Traded blows with and overpowered a Savage Dragon Fire Form Natsu that was enchanted to be at least 2x stronger than normal), higher with Dragon Form (Stated to be the strongest character in the original Fairy Tail series prior to the 100 Years Quest series. Far stronger than his Human Form and Seven Fire Dragons Mode Natsu)

Durability: Large Planet level (Comparable to both his Attack Power and Human Form Selene), higher with Dragon Form (As a Dragon, his Durability is way above his Attack Power due to having incredibly durable scales. More durable than Fairy Heart Form Zeref. Tanked a point blank Fire Dragon's Roar from Igneel) | Large Planet level (Comparable to his Attack Power. Withstood several attacks from a Savage Dragon Fire Form Natsu who was enchanted to be at least 2x more durable than normal), higher with Dragon Form (As a Dragon, his Durability is considerably above his Attack Power due to having incredibly durable scales)

Stamina: Superhuman (Capable of defeating two armies of thousands of dragons alone and emerging as the only survivor. Even dragons of Igneel's caliber have a hard time harming Acnologia in any significant way, with Acnologia enduring Igneel's enormous fire breath strike and emerging unscathed. Has shown no signs of exhaustion from any of his battles. He can also eat magic to restore his magic power and stamina)

Range: Thousands of Kilometers

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Gifted (Has had hundreds of years of experience in battle and has knowledge of many different kinds of magic, being able to identify Irene as a High Enchanter almost immediately. He was able to find out how to transform into a Human Form on his own, which Irene was incapable of figuring out, even after 400 years of trying. Acnologia is a master of hand-to-hand fighting and magic. He often uses his Dragon Slayer Magic in conjunction with punches and kicks to devastating effect. He was able to single-handily take on Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, Cobra, Sting, and Rogue at the same time with little difficulty, being able to beat them all down even while they all worked together to fight him. However, after consuming the Space Between Time, his body and soul are separated, but are still linked to each other. While the soul retains his personality and intellect, the body transforms into a beast whose one goal is destruction. Still, the body can immediately detect and eliminate what it perceives as a threat)

Weaknesses: Should be weak to Dragon Slayer Magic in his Dragon Form. Acnologia also suffers from motion sickness as a result of his Dragon Slayer Magic, which causes him to become severely nauseous while riding transportation. Acnologia cannot eat the Magic created from his own Dragon Slayer Magic to replenish his stamina. After consuming the Space Between Time, his separated body and soul parts are linked to each other, and should one part be restrained, so will the other.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Arcane Dragon Slayer Magic: As one of the first humans who entered the Dragon King Festival, Acnologia was also among the first Dragon Slayers brought into existence. Acnologia's Dragon Slayer Magic has no specific element as consuming and soaking in the blood of countless dragons has enabled him to replenish himself with any type of Magic, earning him the title of the Arcane Dragon. Over time, as Acnologia slew many Dragons, he eventually turned into a Dragon due to the extensive overuse of his Lost Magic. Acnologia, contrary to the legends surrounding him, did not entirely become a Dragon and has retained the ability to enter and exit his mighty Dragon Form at will. Acnologia's Dragon Slayer Magic also allows him to reap the souls of Dragons, leaving them in a half-dead state.

  • Arcane Dragon's Roar: Similar to other Dragons and Dragon Slayers, Acnologia can perform a Dragon's Roar, which takes the form of a massive breath attack of pure Magic that creates a huge explosion on impact. Said blast, while he was a Dragon, was potent enough to "completely eradicate" the entirety of Tenrou Island and imprint a giant crater into the ocean.
  • Arcane Dragon's Eruption: Acnologia raises his hand and erupts a blast of Magic beneath his opponent.
  • Arcane Dragon's Flash: Acnologia raises his finger and fires a giant blast of Magic at his opponents.
  • Arcane Dragon's Breath: Acnologia opens his mouth and fires off numerous explosions.
  • Arcane Dragon's Explosion: Acnologia exerts his Magic omnidirectionally, causing a huge explosion.
  • Eternal Flare: Acnologia casts starry lights in the sky, which rain down in a massive radius as beams with an intense destructive force that create huge explosions on impact.

Time Magic: After consuming the Space Between Time, Acnologia is able to wield this Caster Magic, which gives him control of space and time. With this power, he could teleport the seven Dragon Slayers into his world with a Rift in Space and Time. By warping the Dragon Slayers into his world, he could trap them in crystal-like pillars that allow him to balance his own Magic Power. This power was so great that it would eventually enable Acnologia to surpass space and time.


Notable Matchups





  1. Fairy Tail Vol 62 Chapter 529
  2. Fairy Tail Vol 62 Chapter 530
  3. Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Vol 1 Chapter 2
  4. ANN Connect: Hiro Mashima Interview and Fan Q&A


Discussion threads involving Acnologia