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VS Battles Wiki
Suck... my... nuts.
~ Abraham's last words


Abraham Ford is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead introduced in the fourth season. Before the outbreak, he was a U.S. Army Sergeant.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-C, higher with weapons

Name: Abraham Ford

Origin: The Walking Dead (TV Universe)

Gender: Male

Age: Late 40's

Classification: Human, Sergeant

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Durability, Expert hand-to-hand combatant (As he was in the army, he was taught basic combat training, though its likely he is a lot more skilled), Melee weapons and firearms proficiency (Can use rifles and other firearms. Basic army training requires this), Expert with Survival Skills

Attack Potency: Street level+ (Somewhat comparable to Rick Grimes, and he was confident to fight him. He was likely killed by Negan because Negan feared him, as later on in the show Negan said the whole "eeny meeny miny moe" thing was a lie to Rick.[1] Knocked out Eugene with a few punches.[2] Beat several people to death.[2] Crushed a man's throat by pressing on it with his foot. Overpowered Pete, who can fight against Pre CRM Rick. Destroyed a part of Walker's neck with one blow), higher with weapons (Completely crushed a walker's head in three hits with a automatic rifle butt.[2] Possibly destroyed a man's skull with a automatic rifle butt. Destroyed head of Walker with one swing of the Morgenstern)

Speed: Athletic Human reactions and combat speed, Subsonic to Supersonic+ attack speed with weapons

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Shouldn't be much weaker than the rest of the group. Easily overpowered Glenn.[3] Still managed to beat up Eugene while two people was trying to hold him back[2])

Striking Strength: Street level+, higher with weapons

Durability: Street level+ (Tanked a hit from Lucille to his head,[4] which crushed Glenn's skull and made his eye pop out. Survived a violent car crash[2])

Stamina: Athletic (Comparable to the other people from Rick's group)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with guns

Standard Equipment: M16, Desert Eagle Mark I

Intelligence: At least Average (Knows how to use weapons very well. Was a sergeant in the army)

Weaknesses: None notable.

Notable Matchups





  1. The Walking Dead, Season 8 Episode 16
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Walking Dead, Season 5 Episode 5
  3. The Walking Dead, Season 4 Episode 11
  4. The Walking Dead, Season 7 Episode 1


Discussion threads involving Abraham Ford