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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
What can I say? I like playing with my food.
~ Abigail Lazar


After being kidnapped by six criminals, Abigail Lazar is taken to a mansion, where she is held until her father pays her kidnappers fifty million dollars. Unbeknownst to them, however, Abigail is a vampire, the daughter of Kristof Lazar, having planned the kidnapping in the first place to toy with those who have angered her father in the past.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: Abigail Lazar

Origin: Abigail (2024)

Gender: Female

Age: 12 physically, hundreds of years old chronologically

Classification: Vampire

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall level (516,64 KJ - Broke through a wooden door with ease, which is this powerful. Escaped a metal cage by knocking its door off its hinges with a casual push. Ripped more than a dozen men to pieces. Fought Vampire Frank and harmed him, who could destroy bookshelves, break chains, throw others through wood rails, and destroy a wall while holding back)

Speed: At least Superhuman (Maimed and killed Rickles faster than he could react, moving like a blur)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Ripped Dean's head off, which requires this much force. Wrestled with Frank, who could throw Joey across a room, onto another floor, and through a table. Comparable to other vampires who can casually snap necks)

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level (Took blows from Frank with little signs of exhaustion. Can survive some hard hits from Actuer, a vampire who is stronger than her)

Stamina: Superhuman (Unbothered by any wounds received, be it getting shot, having her limbs explode, being drained of blood, or having her neck snapped in half. Planned to toy with the Rat Squad for 24 hours straight)

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Tens of Meters with Powers (Controlled Sammy from across the mansion)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: At least Gifted (Despite appearances, Abigail is extremely old and an experienced killer. Tricked the Rat Squad into kidnapping her, signing their death sentence, and managed to pit Joey against Frank. Showcases great acrobatic and combat skills, non-lethally wounding others for fun)

Standard Tactics: Will toy with her enemies, messing with their heads and breaking down their spirits before killing them. Against opponents who can put up a fight, she will go all out from the start.

Weaknesses: Being staked in the heart will cause her body to explode, killing her. Any body part of her that touches sunlight will explode. Underestimates her opponents, toying with them instead of killing them instantly. Her regeneration will not stop tranquilizers from knocking her out.


Notable Matchups





Discussion threads involving Abigail Lazar