“ | The dog tags belong to a man named Aatami Korpi. He was a Finnish commando. The most feared in his unit. The General said, and I quote, "He's one mean motherfucker that you do not want to mess with." He fought in the Winter War. Lost his home and his family to the Russians. He became a ruthless, vengeful soldier who took orders from no one. The Finns, they gave up trying to discipline or control him. They just sent him out, alone into the wilderness to hunt Russian patrols. He became a one-man death squad. The reports are unconfirmed, but it looks like he has over 300 Russian kills. The Russians, they gave him a name. They call him Koschei, "the Immortal." | „ |
~ Wolf |
Aatami Korpi is a legendary Finnish soldier who left the war behind to become a gold miner. In 1944, after he found a large amount, he journeyed home but was robbed by Nazis who wanted to use the funds to escape punishment for their war crimes. Korpi resolved to reclaim his gold and find his way home.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-C, higher with weapons
Name: Aatami Korpi, Koschei (Коще́й, "the Immortal")
Origin: Sisu
Gender: Male
Age: Early 60s
Classification: Human, Soldier
Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics (Korpi is a former Finnish commando and a veteran of the Winter War, he has survived events that would kill most men), Weapon Mastery (Korpi is proficient with firearms and knives, and he can improvise objects as weapons, including his pickaxe), Martial Arts, Pain Resistance (Korpi has an extremely high tolerance for pain, as he was able to dig a bullet out of his leg with a knife, he lit himself on fire to prevent a dog from attacking him, impaled himself on rebar to keep his body upright to survive being hanged, and cauterized a wound by sticking a match in it), Stealth Mastery, Supernatural Willpower (Korpi is the embodiment of "Sisu," or in Aino's words, "He just refuses to die" and he will never give up)
Attack Potency: Street level (Korpi was described as "a one-man death squad", seen here), higher with weapons (Korpi punctured the hull of a plane with his pickaxe)
Speed: Average Human (Korpi removed a hand grenade from his dog and threw it away before it could explode) with Athletic Human combat speed
Lifting Strength: Above Average Human (Korpi easily carried a dead Nazi on his back as a human shield, pulled Wolf out of the Nazis' tank, he had the grip strength to latch onto a plane with his pickaxe and hold on long enough to infiltrate the vehicle mid-air)
Striking Strength: Street level (Korpi broke a Nazi's leg with a stomp and broke Wolf's arm with a strike)
Durability: Street level (Korpi took a beating from Wolf and Bruno Helldorf, and most impressively survived a plane crash)
Stamina: Athletic (Korpi held his breath underwater long enough to slit Nazis' throats and steal their oxygen)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: Pickaxe, knife, unidentified rifle
- Optional Equipment: Mauser C96, unidentified SMGs, helmet, bulletproof shield, landmine, brick, rope
Intelligence: Above Average (Korpi is a legendary soldier with 300 unconfirmed kills. In his retirement, his skills include prospecting and equestrianism, in addition to being able to treat his own wounds. He often used his enemies as human shields, and he knew how to safely position himself to survive a plane crash.)
Standard Tactics: None notable.
Weaknesses: Standard human weaknesses.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None notable.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving Aatami Korpi |