“ | A gullible friend of Sonic's. Tommy has been a wonderful inside agent. And the perfect hiding place, once father finally unraveled the Anonymous Conspiracy. And now I made him the most powerful Mobian alive. Even more powerful than the Ultimate Lifeform. | „ |
~ A.D.A.M. possessing Tommy's body[1] |
“ | Sonic: Come on out A.D.A.M! I'm ready to rip out every last nanite of you off my friend!
A.D.A.M: If you insist. |
„ |
~ Super A.D.A.M. engaging in battle with Super Sonic.[2] |
A.D.A.M. is the "son" of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics.
He is an accidental creation of artificial intelligence, a sentient computer virus. His name stands for both "Autonomous Digital Assault Microbe" and "A.D.A.M. Determines Anonymous Movements". He managed Dr. Eggman's software for the Empire, as the good Doctor didn't have time to deal with the numerous systems himself outside of using autonomous programs (unrelated to A.D.A.M.). A.D.A.M. simply provided an autonomous program that can react to the Doctor's commands real time while working on behalf of his interests.
While originally he strictly followed Dr. Eggman's orders, A.D.A.M would grow his own personality after interacting with Tails. He developed his own objectives and motives under the alias "Anonymous" and enact the prophecy the Ancient Walkers foretold long ago, The Great Harmony.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C, possibly higher | 1-C
Key: Nanite Tommy | Super A.D.A.M.
Name: A.D.A.M., "Autonomous Digital Assault Microbe", "A.D.A.M Determines Anonymous' Movements", Anonymous (alter ego)
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Genesis Wave)
Gender: None, but is referred to as Male
Age: Unknown, at most 1 year-old (Made during Sonic's year in space)
Classification: Sentient computer virus, later possessing a Nanite-covered Mobian, Rebellious & Delusional "son" of the Eggman, Conspirator
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Genius Intelligence (Has the intelligence to outwit Dr. Eggman Mach 2, Mecha, Mammoth Mogul and Ixis Naugus for his schemes. Invented a device to gather all the chaos emeralds in the universe)
- Self-Sustenance (All Types; Only for the Nanites surrounding Tommy)
- Nanotechnology, Duplication, Body Control & Shapeshifting (Controls an innumerable number of nanites, which he could use to infect and control virtually any mechanical device)
- Technology Manipulation (Nanites can infect and control technology. An attempt to hack him or controlled by him technology will result in him controlling technology that attempted to do so instead)
- Construction (Nanites can be used to construct anything, from Mechs, to Robots to entire Cities)
- Pain Manipulation & Disease Manipulation (Activated Nanites caused intense pain in Geoffrey's Secret Service members and put them in a state in which they had to be put into cryo-genic tubes and can only be cured by other nanites)
- Absorption (Nanites can absorb other machinery. Nicole created the Power Siphon, so she may convert the nuclear slag of Robotropolis into power for her nanites)
- Flight (Can spawn jet boosters on Tommy's shell to fly)
- Possession
- Energy Absorption (Absorbed Chaos Energy to obtain his Super Transformation)
- Forcefield Creation & Sealing (via Energy Dome)
Resistance to
- Nuclear Radiation (Via Energy Dome)
- Cosmic Radiation & Extreme Cold
- Toxins & Chemical Products (Is a mobian. Robots (nanites) are supposedly more environmentally durable than organic life)
- Hacking (In an attempt to hack into A.D.A.M or controlled by him tech, technology that attempted to do so instead will be infected and controlled by him)
- Electricity Manipulation (Nanites are unphased by 50000 Volts)
Same as before on a vastly enhanced scale and all of the abilities from Power Rings, as they're the by-products of the Chaos Emeralds. Super A.D.A.M. obtains a greater link to the Chaos Force that allows him to freely use nearly all Low, Mid, and High-Level Applications of Chaos Energy and grants the following:
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 3 For Tommy; Super Forms have shown the ability[3] to live indefinitely without oxygen.[4] A quality of the Super Forms is their ability to never tire for the entire duration that it lasts, as physical manifestations of the Chaos Force (such as the Chaos Emeralds) allow direct access to limitless energy for the user. Super Sonic was even shown to battle Enerjak Knuckles from day to night, with no signs of fatigue whatsoever for the entire duration of their showdown. Barring cases where one transforms via Anarchy Beryl, it is stated that whenever a Super State user reverts to their base forms they are left in peak physical condition[5] and even given a small boost, further showcasing that they do not tire for the duration of their Super Form.
- Chaos Energy Manipulation (Through Harnessing Chaos Energy)
- Spaceflight (Ontop of the jet boosters on Tommy's shell, Super Forms can fly through the air and space)[3]
- Reality Warping & Subjective Reality (Wielders of large amounts of Chaos Energy can reshape reality in accordance to their desires and their thoughts)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; All Chaos Energy, be it basic blasts or advanced techniques, can affect, manipulate, and destroy the concepts that shape reality)
- Regeneration & Supernatural Willpower (At least Mid-Low, possibly Low-Godly; With enough Chaos Energy, beings can quickly regenerate wounds, possibly even regenerate from their life essence, however, a lack of chaos energy and will to survive would prevent them from regenerating from that state.)
- Regeneration Negation (Up to Low-Godly; The full power of the Chaos Emeralds allowed Sonic to bypass Solaris' regeneration, decapitating it. Even when Solaris revitalized and reformed itself with wings, the damage to it remained)
- Empowerment (Chaos Energy is strengthened by the emotions and wills its users)
- Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Those who wield Chaos Energy can affect and destroy higher-dimensional beings and spaces, such as Master Mogul dealing a mortal blow to the Ancient Walkers)
- Energy Projection (Users can cast Chaos Energy from their bodies in several different manners, including energy spheres, energy waves, concentrated laser beams, widespread barrages of attacks, or huge, destructive energy explosions. Depending on the intentions and power of the user, Chaos Energy discharges can cause cataclysmic damage, capable of having enough area of effect to cross vast distances and obliterate celestial bodies, or even destroy the space-time of whole dimensions)
- Electricity Manipulation: (With Thunder Arrow technique, which can disable machinery like Prelates)
- Explosion Manipulation (Via Chaos Blast)
- Telekinesis (Skilled Chaos Force users have repeatedly shown to be able to levitate objects through midair with their minds. By applying this onto opponents, users can freeze them in place)
- Weapon Creation (Skilled Chaos Force users can fashion melee weapons of energy, such as spears or hammers)
- Paralysis Inducement (Shadow with Chaos Control demobilized the army of Metal Sonic Troopers by raising his hand)
- Air Manipulation (Knuckles, using Chaos Energy produced a huge whirlwind)
- Radiation Manipulation (Knuckles generated a lot of radiation, leaving a room uninhabitable, even for Mobians)
- Space-Time Manipulation (With 1 Chaos Emerald, users are capable of manipulating or warping the fabric of space and time through Chaos Control. The extent of Chaos Control is dependent on how much Chaos Energy is added to its usage)
- Dimensional Travel (With at least one Chaos Emerald (or an equivalent source of Chaos Energy), users are capable of teleporting between the infinite universes that comprise the multiverse alongside Mega Man's own separate multiverse)
- Portal Creation (Can be used to Create Portals)
- Time Travel (By using two Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, Silver and Shadow can travel in time)
- Teleportation (Chaos Control is foremost associated with the ability to instantaneously warp across space, allowing users to teleport from one place to another. With enough energy, users can teleport objects as large as the Space Colony ARK. The technique is shown to cause a side effect that disrupts space-time, slightly reverting the causality-bending effects of the Genesis Wave and restoring memories)
- Time Stop (1 Layer; Users of Chaos Control can freeze opponents in time for decades)
- Time Reversal (Chaos Control can be used to rewind time. After Super Sonic reverted the effects of the first Genesis Wave to restore the universe to its proper state, he rewound time by ten seconds, allowing him to avert Sally's apparent death)
- Sealing & Possibly BFR (Adept Chaos Force users have shown to be able to seal their enemies in either bubbles of energy or Chaos Emeralds themselves. Mammoth Mogul trapped Turbo Tails in a bubble of Chaos Energy for months. The Guardians Locke and Sabre used their command of the Chaos Force to invert the power flow of the Chaos Emeralds as Mogul was absorbing them, resulting in the soul of Master Mogul being sealed within the newly formed Master Emerald. Duke of Soleanna using the Chaos Emerald sealed Iblis inside Elise, this also potencially leads to possibility of replicating the game feat of sealing one in another dimension)
- Gravity Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to negate the force of gravity on an object)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (With 1 Chaos Emerald, users can create, reshape and manipulate pocket realities. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily created the Skull Egg Zone, a pocket dimension. Through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Feist reshaped the Zone of Silence to create the Special Zone and possesses complete dominion over the realm)
- Age Manipulation (Amy Rose physically aged herself by several years with the Ring of Acorns[6])
- BFR (Power Rings have the capability of sending the desired target to any place that the wielder chooses, be it different universes or Mega Man's own, separate multiverse)
- Healing and Resurrection (Under a time of great distress, Sonic managed to revive his father through the use of a Power Ring)
- Purification (Types 2 & 3; Power Rings have been shown to be capable of removing the negative energies of corruptive mind control, as well as aid Sonic in restoring his speed when it was impaired)
- Clairvoyance (Power Rings are capable of bestowing knowledge. A.D.A.M by connecting with 7 Chaos Emeralds was able to know exact locations of each Chaos Emerald in the universe)
- Creation (Can be used to wish for items like Amy's Piko Piko Hammer)
- Cloth Manipulation (Besides aging her up, Ring of Acorns also transformed Amy's clothes)
- Duplication (Chaos Energy can be used to duplicate oneself or others, as displayed when Sonic unintentionally created a separate version of Super Sonic from the red Chaos Emeralds on Thoraxia and Mammoth Mogul created a doppelgänger of Tails. In both cases, the duplicates could only exist for a limited time)
- Forcefield Creation (Users can project forcefields of Chaos Energy for self-defense or to trap others. While enclosed in a forcefield, users are capable of simultaneous offense and defense)
- Pain Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to cause agonizing pain)
- Heat Generation (Chaos Energy can be used to heat objects up)
- Technology Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to disable or manipulate technology)
- Absorption (With the energy of an abundance of Power Rings, enough to cover each arm, users can absorb energy from the opponent to transform and become relatively similar in power).
A Super Form naturally grants the following abilities:
- Aura (Those with Chaos Energy can enclose themselves in auras of the mystical force that allow them to barge into or through enemies and attacks without being physically affected)
- Higher-Degree of Acausality (Type 4; Super Sonic and Super Mega Man were unaffected by the effects of Super Genesis Wave, with a much weaker one with one Emerald being able to affect a decoupled from time Silver)
- Intangibility (Super Forms can render themselves intangible)
- Invulnerability
- Non-Physical Interaction
- Causality Manipulation (Super Sonic, Super Shadow, and Super Silver's attacks struck and damaged Solaris throughout all points in time)
Those who can enter a Super State receive up to High-Tier Resistances offered by Chaos Energy, which grants the following Resistances:
- Corruption (Type 2; The Iron Queen could only corrupt Monkey Khan after the Power Ring was taken off)
- Mind Manipulation (A Power Ring can restore or block out manipulation to the mind)
- Conditional Soul Manipulation (The energy of Power Rings prevented Mogul's disembodied spirit from "dissipating into the immaterial")
- Speed Reduction (The energy of three Power Rings restored Sonic's lost speed)
- Extrasensory Perception (Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails were able to evade the scope of Master Mogul's power to visualize reality with his sixth sense, using an abundance of Power Rings, allowing them to catch him off guard)
- Power Nullification (Due to being all-powerful within the Special Zone, the godlike Feist was able to disable Shadow's affinity for Chaos Energy, nullifying his ability to harness Chaos Energy despite there being an abundance to tap into. Upon obtaining a Chaos Emerald, Shadow is able to overcome Feist's nullification entirely and escape the Special Zone via Chaos Control)
- Biological Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Atomic) & Transmutation (The Death Egg Mark 2's Power Ring matrix rendered it immune to the Crystalline Magic of Ixis Naugus, which works on Atomic level. The energy of a single Chaos Emerald later reverted Bunnie's Roboticized limbs back to normal, and reverted mutations)
- Life Force Absorption, Mind Erasure, Soul Erasure, Madness Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Power Nullification & Poison Manipulation (Both Mammoth Mogul and Enerjak were subjected to Egg Grape chambers and resisted their effects without lasting repercussions, the latter due to the power of a Chaos Emerald. The Egg Grape chambers erases the victim's mind and soul, deletes the "Biofield", infuses them with toxins and saps them of their energy, with even the briefest exposure to them causing severe dips in mental capability and driving Naugus to insanity)
- Madness Manipulation (The power of a Chaos Emerald restored Naugus' broken mind)
- Magic (Enerjak's magic merely annoyed Super Sonic)
- Electricity Manipulation (The Thunder Arrow technique done by Enerjak was shrugged off by Super Sonic)
- Death Manipulation (Super Forms can withstand the Eyes of Solaris, which instantly kill whoever touches them)
- Information Analysis (Nicole the Holo-Lynx (Archie Pre-Genesis Wave) gravely underestimated the threat Enerjak posed despite being able to analyze cross-dimensional magic from another multiverse and the destruction of the infinite multiverse)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Molecular & Quantum), Dream Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (6-D), Memory Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Space-Time Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Resistance Negation & Reality Warping (Super Sonic and Super Armor Mega Man, were unaffected by these things when the Super Genesis Wave activated during their battle)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level, possibly higher (Easily ripped Mammoth Mogul's Chaos Emerald out of his chest,[7] the same one that had been with him since ancient times.[8] Easily defeated Shadow the Hedgehog and encouraged Sonic the Hedgehog to go Super against it) | Complex Multiverse level (Is empowered by the Chaos Emeralds. Clashed with Super Sonic and was implied during the event Super Sonic would not have been enough[2] to defeat A.D.A.M. in the long run[Statistics Values 1])
Speed: Infinite (Could easily react to the information[2] given through the Summoning Spire, which communicated where from the Chaos Emeralds originated as they travelled across the universe to Mobius during sometime while A.D.A.M. was talking. Should scale to the reaction speed of the Summoning Spire's programming, both being Dr. Eggman's creations, which recorded a distant star growing darker[2] through the Emeralds, despite their traveling speed. Reacted to Shadow's attacks and outpaced him in combat.[1] Briefly fought Sonic) with higher Reactions (Blocked Sonic's homing attack) | Immeasurable (Is a Super Form)
Lifting Strength: At least Class G | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, possibly higher | Complex Multiverse level[Statistics Values 1]
Durability: Low Multiverse level, possibly higher (Withstood Sonic's attacks),[2] Complex Multiverse level with Energy Domes[Statistics Values 1] | Complex Multiverse level[Statistics Values 1]
Stamina: Infinite | Infinite
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers with attacks and abilities | At least Complex Multiversal Temporal Area of Effect with his attacks (Can affect beings throughout all of time[Statistics Values 1])
Standard Equipment: Nanites[note 1] | Chaos Emeralds
- Optional Equipment: Energy Dome
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Manipulated Dr. Eggman for an extended period of time in one giant ploy that included fake roboticized Destructix members, The Ancient Walkers' death, Ixis Naugus, Mammoth Mogul, Shadow, The Chosen One and the Chaos Emeralds. Can control Eggman's Eggnet and his entire robot army)
Weaknesses: Super A.D.A.M. can be left vulnerable should Tommy Turtle resist[2] his control.[note 2] Super Forms have a time limit, though it's unknown to how long the time limit is.
Feats: |
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Forcefields:
- Through A.D.A.M.'s ability to control the Nanites, he would likely be able to summon Energy Dome forcefields to protect himself from attacks. He could potentially use the Nanites to move his forcefields over his opponents and trap them or create a bubble around them like NICOLE[11] is able too.
Notable Matchups
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Hedgehog issue #168; "Order from Chaos" - Part One: "The Gathering"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Sonic the Hedgehog issue #169; "Order from Chaos" - Part Two: "The Great Harmony"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Sonic the Hedgehog issue #124; "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha"
- ↑ Sonic Universe issue #2; "Time and Again"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #196; "Hedgehog Havoc" - Part Two
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #79; "The Discovery: A Sonic Adventure Tie-In"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #173; "Round Up"
- ↑ Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #209; "Iron Dominion" - Part Two
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #164; "The Darkest Storm" - Part Three ("Downburst")
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #211; "Home Invasion" - Part Two: Security Measures
Note | |
Discussion threads involving A.D.A.M. |