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VS Battles Wiki
7753 3
Uses magic goggles that tell her all about her targets.
~ 7753's magic description


Kotori Nanaya is a magical girl who works for the Magical Kingdom's Magical Girl Resources Department under the orders of Pfle, and handles the recruitment of new magical girls within the Kingdom thanks to her magic. She's a kindhearted and polite girl who likes to help and meet new magical girls for interviews.
She dislikes scanning people with her goggles without their knowledge, seeing it as rude, which sometimes leads her to a moral dilemma when she's ordered to do so by her superiors. She prefers to stay in her Magical Girl form for the mental strength boost she gets for being one since, as a human, she would retreat back to alcoholism due to all the work-related stress she endures as a Magical Girl.
Originally sent to B City by the Resources Department to interview Ripple at her request to join the Magical Kingdom, she's ordered to team up with Mana, Hana Gekokujou, Archfiend Pam, and Ripple, with the mission to apprehend a serious criminal.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A

Name: Kotori Nanaya, 7753, Nanako-san

Origin: Magical Girl Raising Project

Gender: Female

Age: 20s

Classification: Human, Magical Girl, Member of the Magical Girl Resources Department, Part of the B-City Investigation Team

Powers and Abilities: Magical Girl Physiology, Information Analysis

Attack Potency: Small Building level (She casually tossed Mana and dented a steel door[1]. Non-combat magical girls scale to base-level Disrupters, which can mow down thick trees[2])

Speed: Likely Supersonic movement speed (Scales to Pechka who crossed 2 kilometers in a few seconds), with at least Supersonic combat/reaction speed (Even weak magical girls can act 100 times faster than humans[1]. Magical Girls appear as blurs to the human eye[3][2] and can react to rifle bullets[4])

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Magical girls can lift cars[5])

Striking Strength: Small Building level

Durability: Small Building level (Non-combat magical girls can survive land mines.[4] They can also survive attacks that destroy cars[3])

Stamina: Superhuman. As a magical girl, she has hugely improved stamina and resistance to fatigue (moreover, she doesn't need to eat or to sleep). Fighting against other magical girls for a while, running kilometers and rescuing people for several hours doesn’t affect her at all. Magical Girls can stay active for multiple days without rest, resist freezing cold and scorching heat.

Range: Hunders of Meters (Line of sight)

Standard Equipment: Magic Goggles, Pfle's orders and advice through her Magic Goggles

Intelligence: Above Average. From her experience as a member of the Magical Girl Resources Department, she knows how to use her magic efficiently, and stays transformed as much as possible as a magical girl, to keep all the benefits. Due to her magic, she has the role of interviewing and judging any potential recruit into the Magical Kingdom. She's usually backed-up with advice and orders by Pfle to guide her, which considerably increases her potential.

Weaknesses: Ill-suited for battle. None of the regular human weaknesses. If she becomes unconscious, she turns back into a human and loses all the magical girl advantages

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Information Analysis: 7753's magic allows her to obtain information about anyone by looking at them through her magic goggles, except reflections. She can obtain the data of any people in her sight with pinpoint accuracy: name, age, strength, magic, abilities, stats, powers, weaknesses, intelligence, mental state, and much more; she can adjust the information received by adjusting the dial on them. When possible, the information she obtains can be quantified, represented by heart symbols that appear in her vision; the higher a stat, the more hearts will appear. After being modified by Shadow Gale, her goggles can perform more functions, such as getting more detailed information on the opponent and in larger quantities, automatic data transmission to her superiors, sharing senses with them as long as she has them on, instantaneous communication, and erasing the existing log. If she removes her goggles before canceling her transformation, they will remain and can still be used. Other Magical Girls can use the goggles, but they won't be as proficient with them as 7753 herself.

Notable Matchups[]





  1. 1.0 1.1 Light Novel, Volume 5
  2. 2.0 2.1 Light Novel, Volume 7
  3. 3.0 3.1 Light Novel, Volume 6
  4. 4.0 4.1 Light Novel, Volume 1
  5. Light Novel, Volume 1 / Anime, Episode 9


Discussion threads involving 7753