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VS Battles Wiki
I am the Champion of the Gods. I am the strongest!
~ Satan's boast to Mori Jin


666:Satan, often referred to simply as Satan, is a denizen of the Heavenly Realm who seeks to succeed his mentor Beelzebub as the master of the First Heavenly Realm. Although child-like in appearance, he boasts monstrous power and proves to be one of the greatest threats to the heroes when the gods descended upon Earth.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 4-C | At least 4-A, higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture and when empowered by heat | 3-C,possibly 3-B with phase 3, higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture | 3-C,possibly 3-B, at least 3-B with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture | 3-B, higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture, Resurrection of Blood, or 12 Wings

Key: Phase 1 (Pre-Timeskip) | Phase 2 (Pre-Timeskip) | Phase 3 (Pre-Timeskip) | Post-Timeskip | Post-Divine Realm

Name: 666:Satan, White Kid, The Champion Among Gods, Whitey, The King of Gods

Origin: The God of High School

Gender: Male

Age: Thousands of years old, likely older

Classification: God, Master of the First Heavenly Realm

Powers and Abilities:

Same as before minus Invulnerability

Same as before,

Attack Potency: At least Star level+ (Casually tossed Jupiter from orbit towards Earth, a feat that took the combined efforts of Daewi Han and Mori Hui to undo) | At least Multi-Solar System level (Was stated to be stronger than Tataghata and Okhwang), higher with Jeahbongchim and when empowered by heat | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level (Should be comparable to Mori Jin with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture), higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level(Trained during the 17 years since Ragnarok, and was capable of giving Mujin Park trouble before he entered his higher Phases), up to Multi-Galaxy level Jeahbongchim (Can multiply his power anywhere between 52x and 250,000x) | Multi-Galaxy level (Was noted by Mujin to be overflowing with power and forced him to go on the defensive), higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture, Resurrection of Blood (Fully drains Satan's life to give him more power), or 12 Wings (Pierced through Mujin's chest with his arm and forced him to display a fraction of his true power)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Pulled Jupiter to Earth in an instant, can rival the pace of a Sage's Wisdom amplified Daewi Han and a Speed Mode-enhanced Mori Jin, Punched and blitzed Mori from Earth to the Sun before Mori could react), higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture and in Phase 2 and Phase 3 | At least Massively FTL+, higher with Jeahbongchim Acupuncture and in Phase 2 and Phase 3 (Kept up with Mujin Park) | At least Massively FTL+ (Should be faster than before)

Lifting Strength: At least Class Z physically (Physically comparable to Mori Jin), Multi-Stellar with Gravity Manipulation (Can move Jupiter far better than Daewi and Mori Hui did) | At least Class Z physically (Should be stronger than before), Multi-Stellar with Gravity Manipulation | At least Class Z physically (Should be stronger than before ), Multi-Stellar with Gravity Manipulation | Multi-Stellar (Comparable to Incomplete Supreme God Mujin) | At least Multi-Stellar (Should be far stronger than before)

Striking Strength: At least Star level+ | At least Multi-Solar System level, higher with Jeahbongchim and when empowered by heat | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level, higherwith Jeahbongchim | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level, higherwith Jeahbongchim | Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Jeahbongchim, Resurrection of Blood, or 12 Wings

Durability: At least Star level+, Large Star level with El Diablo Armour (Took a blow from Mori Jin in his Power Mode, albeit his ribs were cracked in the process) | At least Multi-Solar System level (Stronger than base greatly), higher with Jeahbongchim and when empowered by heat, higher with El Diablo Armour | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level(Took an intense beating from Mori Jin after he multiplied his power by 250,000 times), higher with Jeahbongchim and El Diablo Armour | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Galaxy level (Could take hits from Mujin Park), higher with Jeahbongchim, and El Diablo Armour (Multiplies his durability by up to 250,000x) | Multi-Galaxy level, higher with Jeahbongchim, Resurrection of Blood, or 12 Wings

Stamina: Superhuman (Clashed with Daewi with no apparent effort and outlasted even the likes of Mori, albeit while the latter was using a great deal of power by creating hundreds of clones)

Range: Interplanetary. 1 AU with Full Contact Karate (Punched Mori Jin from the Earth to the Sun), Several AU with telekinesis and gravity manipulation (Pulled Jupiter towards Earth)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Although Satan seemed levelheaded at first, he was soon revealed to have a great love for battle, letting Mori rest for a short period before their battle to have a more stimulating fight and taking great pleasure in both dealing and receiving pain. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat, easily matching Mori blow for blow and maintaining the upper hand for much of their fight. Additionally, his ability to read his foe's mind allows him to quickly analyze and use their techniques against them, making it difficult to surprise him with new techniques. However, his lust for battle can make him short-sighted, as he relished in the powers he received from Mori and was subsequently paralyzed by Mori's use of acupuncture followed by the flurry of Taekwondo attacks that followed. Additionally, he has a severe inferiority complex and need to prove himself due to the gods of the Heavenly Realm's tendency to compare him to the Monkey King, and takes great pride in his status as the Champion of the Gods.

Weaknesses: Satan loves a good fight and often makes questionable decisions to get a better one. Has a severe inferiority complex towards the Monkey King and is incredibly prideful as the Champion of the Gods, His ability to mimic other's powers does not seem to extend to equipment, as he did not bother to try to copy the Yeoui or the Robe of the Sage.



Note: As detailed in the abilities section, Satan has several abilities that increase his physicals, abilities performed in these circumstances will be marked.




Notable Attacks and Techniques:

  • Mind-Reading: Daewi commented during their fight that Satan had managed to read his mind to learn the martial arts techniques of Mori and himself. Daewi further compared this to fighting against Mori's analytical skills and copying abilities.
  • Satan Armor: El Diablo: Satan creates a goat-like energy construct that increases his defense.
  • 666 Hellraiser: A Phase Two technique that Satan can use in presence of the Sun's corona. It was unseen as Jin Mori destroyed most of his body before he managed to unleash the technique.
  • Right Wing Freed: A Phase Three skill that increases his power by dissolving his Right Wing. After using this skill, He can use a claw attack that destroys anything in its path with the energy visible from outer space, It also cracked Jin Mori's Loop of Binding.
  • Left Wing Freed: A Phase Three skills that increase his power by dissolving his Left Wing.
  • Energy Beam: Satan, in Phase Two state, can unleash a powerful destructive blast from his eyes that can obliterate an entire landscape. After absorbing all the energy from the Sun's corona in his Phase Three state, his energy beam becomes even more powerful.
  • Technique and Ability Mimicry: Satan has shown the ability to be able to mimic any technique or fighting style he sees, regardless of their origin, mechanics, or difficulty.
  • The King: Throwing a Planet: After watching Daewi throw Mars, Satan managed to learn the King's signature technique, allowing him to casually throw Jupiter at Earth in an instant.
  • Duplication: Satan learned how to clone himself after watching Jin Mori, allowing him to create hundreds of clones to assist him in combat. After continuing to fight Mori in combat, Satan began cloning himself infinitely, creating 2,009,600,745,000,000,000 clones at once before Mori attacked him once again. He also created 245,000,000,000,000,000,000 clones to fight Supreme God Mujin Park

Full Contact Karate

  • Fourth Stance: Blue Dragon's Storm: Daewi's signature attack, Satan analyzed and learned this attack, utilizing it with such mastery that he did not even need to use the first three stances to initiate it.
    • Blue Dragon Reverse: Satan redirects the flow of air to reverse the direction of an oncoming attack. Satan tried to use this to counter Han Daewi's repulsive force.

Renewal Taekwondo

  • Jin Mori Original: Blue Dragon's Kick: It is a technique developed by Jin Mori in his fight against Han Daewi after observing his Blue Dragon's Storm, Satan learned this ability after reading Daewi's mind.
  • Hoe Grab: It is used to grab an opponent in a lock position. The fighter feigns a reverse kick with one leg and uses that leg to hold the arm of the opponent. It is mainly used to break an enemy's guard.

Na Bong Chim Acupuncture

  • Na Bong Acupuncture Limiter Removal: Satan strikes a point in his brain to remove the limiters on his body, allowing him to multiply his overall power, speed, and durability tremendously at the cost of a "rebound effect" as the effects begin to wear off, resulting in crippling pain. However, Satan seems to be unfazed by the latter effect. Like Mori, he can multiply his power up to two-hundred fifty-thousand times with this technique.

Note: Satan breaking Yeoui in half was done after Mori had expanded an immense amount of power to kill the Gods. It was even noted by Mori that the Gourd cracked and shattered due to over-usage when he used it, Yeoui, and Geundoowun to perform the former feat. As such, Satan does not scale to the full durability of Yeoui.


Notable Matchups





  1. The God of High School Chapter 481


Discussion threads involving 666:Satan (The God of High School)