“ | She- She came- She came up to me and she- I thought she was gonna say something quite sort of scary but she said "Can you hold my coat for me?" And I had two cups of orange juice in my hand' and I said "I can't cause I've got- look I've got two cups of orange juice in my hand." And then she- she started hitting me with her handbag. | „ |
~ 2D describing the orange juice incident |
2-D has big hands and long fingers. He is lanky, standing at 6'2", and has no pupils in his eyes. The reason he looks like this is because of his 8-ball fractures, where the iris of his eye filled with blood. He has naturally blue hair resulting from when he fell out of a tree at age of eleven, causing all his hair to fall out and grow back a deep azure blue. His hair used to be brown.
Like Noodle, 2-D's looks have evolved heavily throughout Phases 1, 2, and 3. In Phase 1, 2-D is seen with very geometric, and almost purple hair at times, unlike in phase two, where his hair has seemed to gain a more realistic, lined tone and turned to an almost teal color, In Phase 3, 2-D is seen with much more realistic hair, larger eyes, and more tanned skin. Further, his shape in Phase 1 was almost ruler-straight; in Phase 2 and 3, he seemed to gain some tone and shape and wrinkles, giving him more of a 'hippy' look, compared to his Phase 1 appearance. 2-D's speaking and singing voice have also deepened from Phases 1 to 3.
Despite missing his two front teeth, 2-D can sing clearly. His speech, while still mainly clear, has a definite Cockney (or thereabouts) accent: he says "summfink" instead of "something", and "fing" instead of "thing." His singing voice has become deeper since the first album. 2-D is considered the 'pretty boy' and frontman of Gorillaz.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B
Name: Stuart Pot
Origin: Gorillaz
Gender: Male
Age: 45 (ages in real time)
Classification: Human
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Hand-to-Hand combatant, Can produce light from his eyes
Attack Potency: Wall level (Physically on par with the rest of his bandmates who could combat a pack of gorillas and could survive a small missile explosion.)
Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reactions (Dodged pool balls traveling fast enough to create several afterimages and is on par with Murdoc who can control a car fast enough to drive upside-down, and Noodle who can react to long-range gunfire.)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Wall level
Durability: Wall level (Can handle abuse from Murdoc and Russell, his bandmates.)
Stamina: Average
Range: Standard Melee Range
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: He keeps to himself a lot and takes abuse without fighting back most of the time.
Notable Matchups
Discussion threads involving 2D |